We Equip Churches

to care for, disciple & mobilize

Those most affected by addiction

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Addiction isn't like it is on TV.

Most people who struggle with addiction are hiding in plain sight.

In your own church

Addiction can hide in the mask of normalcy. There is high likelihood that people in your church are hurting.

In your neighborhood

While houses might look nice on the outside, the struggles inside are very real and heartbreaking.

Someone you spent time with

Shame makes people hide so much of what hurts them. You may know someone quietly struggling right now.

lecture shot

Hello & Welcome... I'm Don.

I'm a Family Practice/Addiction Medicine physician, a follower of Jesus, and the founder and CEO of the Dunamis Initiative.

I also enjoy long term sobriety.

What others are saying


Russell D Smoldon

"I lead a Life Recovery group that we set up through our Church that deals with addiction of all kinds. Based off the Life Recovery Bible and Biblical teachings, we have adopted The Dunamis Effect as our guidebook. We use this guide and the 12 steps in a belief that Jesus is our Higher Power. The group loves this more modern, medical, and spiritual approach to the 12 steps and recovery. I recommend this approach if your goal is to bring spiritual wellness and the love of Jesus to recovery. This is essential to lifelong sobriety and a selfless service to God and our neighbors."

Christ Church of the Valley (CCV)

Ashley Wooldridge

“The Dunamis Effect” provides the needed resources for a comprehensive Christian recovery ministry for churches of any size. I highly recommend it to any church wishing to expand their reach.

Meadows Behavioral Healthcare

Jerry L. Law

"Dr. Middleton has tackled the issue of developing a 12-Step program based recovery program that supports men and women who identify as Christians and have historically been reluctant to engage in traditional 12-Step Programs."

Order the book today

There are a lot of resources and books out there on addiction recovery, but we believe that The Dunamis Effect is different. We have found that most addiction recovery programs are tools to put people on a path to abstinence rather than freedom. The Dunamis Effect speaks directly to the power of the gospel being the key to freedom. Some key aspects of the book are:

  1. It’s written in today’s 21st century language, provides examples and metaphors that are relevant and current.
  2. It takes the 12-step program that has existed for decades and added some of the advances in addiction treatment that have come available in the last few decades.
  3. This book declares Jesus Christ as the “higher power” that others may name vaguely. We believe that God, is who gives the power to heal addiction and we wish to lovingly and gratefully, acknowledge the sacrifice of Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Only through Him do we find true freedom from addiction.

"This changed everything for me"

I grew up in the church and became a Christian in 5th grade. As I grew older, I served in many capacities for years in my local church. As my family grew and I continued in my career, I slowly began drinking more. One day I realized I had a problem, and I could not stop drinking. I was still an active member of my church, small group, and even coached youth sports in the community. I had even carved out a somewhat successful career. All this while drinking 4 to 5 fifths of bourbon a week. I tried to stop and could not.

In my Dunamis Effect group, I learned I was powerless over everything, and turning my will and life/outcomes to God released His power (dunamis) to restore me to sanity and heal my family. My life now exceeds my wildest dreams.

~Dave in Ohio

I had tried on and off for years to get sober through all variety of programs including AA, outpatient treatment and work with therapists. These things would work for a short while but never produced lasting results. It was only when I gave up on the idea that I could solve it and instead let Jesus be the leader of my life that I finally found sobriety.

To do this, I worked with my Recovery Partner through The Dunamis Effect book and workbook and with Jesus as the focal point, I finally found relief. Every morning I pray for Jesus to keep me sober and every evening I thank Him profusely for the gift of sobriety. Jesus saves us from all manner of sin, and this program is designed to guide us to Christ for His deliverance from addiction.

~Jacob in Arizona