The Director’s Cut For Your Life

Blog Post

When filming a movie, the director starts with a complete story in mind, but often the studio trims it to fit their desired time slot. In 1986, “Aliens” was a highly popular movie, earning numerous awards and substantial profits. However, a few years later, the director, James Cameron, re-added 20 minutes of action and character development to release the definitive “director’s cut.” In interviews, he expressed satisfaction that this version aligned with his original vision.

In steps six and seven of the AA 12-steps, individuals seeking sobriety are instructed to identify their “character defects” and ask God to remove them. The rationale is that after years of leading a self-directed life, relying on substances or certain behaviors for comfort, many other negative habits may develop. Pride, dishonesty, cheating, laziness, and others can make it challenging for addicted individuals to coexist, prompting a desire for change. Returning to the initial design can assist in resetting one’s life and realigning with the intended path.

In Chapter 4 of the Book of Acts, Luke recounts an incident where John and Peter faced threats from the Sanhedrin for healing and preaching salvation in Jesus’ name. Despite repeated scolding and demands to cease, the disciples refused to comply. The Sanhedrin presumed to dictate how God’s people should behave, even if it contradicted the scriptures they claimed to protect. In a sense, they resembled movie studio executives aiming to edit scenes to fit their religious agenda.

Peter and John adamantly opposed this interference and, upon returning to their community, shared the ordeal they had with the Sadducees. In response, they raised their voices in worship, affirming their commitment to follow the Creator of the universe. They recognized Jesus as the true director, willing even to sacrifice his life for the story’s integrity.

In the Dunamis Effect, rather than merely asking for the removal of unhelpful habits, the aim is to replace them with the fruits of the Spirit listed by Paul in Galatians. Rather than solely excising undesirable elements, this approach enriches the picture, enabling individuals to better reflect the original plan intended by our Father. Sobriety entails more than abstaining from substances; it involves repentance and an active transition away from a sinful lifestyle toward a better life within the body of Christ, as originally designed.

The ultimate director of our lives knows precisely how we should live to honor the script written by God before creation. Eliminating sin creates space for the aspects that Jesus came to restore. The Gospel’s message of loving God and others learned through working the 12 steps, reintegrates the elements that complete the picture as intended.

It’s the Director’s Cut for your life.

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