Is Someone on Suboxone Really Sober?

As children, we knew a song about an old woman who swallowed a fly. She then swallowed a spider to catch the fly, a bird to catch the spider, and so on until she swallowed a horse and died – of course. This nonsensical song is a reminder that sometimes we mistakenly get caught in…

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Hi, I’m Don, and I Am a…

I’m Don, and I Am… Sometimes I just can’t help myself. I love to stir the pot with a bit of mischief. I know, I know – it’s a character flaw that I am working on. Sort of. Okay, not really. I found in AA meetings that a way to ruffle feathers is to not…

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How Do We Build Spiritual Core Strength?

We’re all creatures of habit, and regardless of the setting, we tend to gravitate towards the same seats. Although I didn’t know Carlos well, he always occupied the chair next to mine during our morning meetings. Hence, I couldn’t help but notice when he seemed to be experiencing back problems; he got up tenderly and…

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Heal the Family…Heal the Person

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1 in 10 young adults has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol, and 1 in 7 is addicted to alcohol or some other drug. In a recent Kaiser Foundation survey, two-thirds of American young people said they had someone in their family who suffered from addiction. These numbers…

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Understanding Addiction: A Journey from Ancient Debates to Modern Insights

While the understanding of genetics has developed over the past century, the debate surrounding the origins of addiction is ancient. Countless writings have explored the choice versus compulsion argument, with scholars grappling with the complexities for generations. In Plato’s “Protagoras,” Socrates suggests that individuals always act in what they perceive to be their best interest,…

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Naaman the Leper and Addiction Recovery

Have you ever studied the story of Naaman, a high-ranking Syrian commander, as recounted in 2 Kings 5? Despite his success and wealth, Naaman harbored a secret: he was afflicted with leprosy, a condition that, in those times, could lead to severe social exclusion and eventual death. For a man of his stature, the implications…

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Dunamis…but what does it mean?

Pronounced as “doo’-nam-is,” the Greek term “Dunamis” refers to a (miraculous) power, might, and strength, as defined in Strong’s Concordance. During my tenure as a pre-med student at Northern Arizona University, my foundational knowledge was built upon various scientific disciplines. It included inorganic and organic chemistry, zoology, botany, and microbiology, which ensured I spent countless…

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‘Tis the Season…Sobriety and The Holidays

The holiday season, often stretching from Halloween to New Year’s Eve, poses a significant challenge to those newly embracing sobriety. This period, which may also encompass events like the Super Bowl and St. Patrick’s Day, is rife with parties where alcohol is prevalent if not the focal point. Coupled with the stress of family gatherings,…

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Why Not Just Send Them to AA?

It’s not a unique story.  A family presents themselves to a pastor with a combination of fear, sadness, and anger. What did he do wrong? Nothing. They want to talk about a family member who won’t stop drinking. They have begged, pleaded, threatened, and offered incentives, and at times he seems to get it together…

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How should we define addiction in layman’s terms?

The word ” addiction “ used to be whispered in hushed tones and with implied shame, but it has worked its way into our everyday vocabulary. It isn’t even always used as a bad thing anymore like when a person might say, “I’m so addicted to that new sushi restaurant!” We’ll discuss the why use…

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