‘Tis the Season…Sobriety and The Holidays

The holiday season, often stretching from Halloween to New Year’s Eve, poses a significant challenge to those newly embracing sobriety. This period, which may also encompass events like the Super Bowl and St. Patrick’s Day, is rife with parties where alcohol is prevalent if not the focal point. Coupled with the stress of family gatherings,…

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Why Not Just Send Them to AA?

It’s not a unique story.  A family presents themselves to a pastor with a combination of fear, sadness, and anger. What did he do wrong? Nothing. They want to talk about a family member who won’t stop drinking. They have begged, pleaded, threatened, and offered incentives, and at times he seems to get it together…

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How should we define addiction in layman’s terms?

The word ” addiction “ used to be whispered in hushed tones and with implied shame, but it has worked its way into our everyday vocabulary. It isn’t even always used as a bad thing anymore like when a person might say, “I’m so addicted to that new sushi restaurant!” We’ll discuss the why use…

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Providing “a way out” of Addiction

Providing a way out of addiction

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13 Few problems encountered by a 21st-century pastoral…

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